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10 basic reasons why renting out real estate with our help

Renting out real estate can be very simple and fast, but for some it can also be an unpleasant and long-lasting experience. Bellow there are 10 basic reasons why renting out real estate with the help of Ljubljana Real Estate is so simple and safe.




First contact

When meeting for the first time, we shall gather some basic information regarding your real estate: location, size, floor, age, renovation, condition, furnishings.


Selecting a real estate agent

At first glance, selecting a real estate agent seems as a very simple task, but as a matter a fact, only the right one can bring gratifying results.


Real estate valuation

After you selected a real estate agent, we shall visit the real estate, check its current condition and photograph the real estate. On the basis of the selected data, we shall set the price of your real estate.


Legal condition of real estate

We shall check the legal condition of real estate on the basis of the selected data and documents.


Rent out plan

We shall prepare the business plan carefully and start advertising real estate as arranged.


Visiting real estate

We organise the visits and lead the potential buyers to your real estate. Before making an actual visit, we shall call your number to finalise the details regarding the visit.



We shall lead and help with the negotiations and harmonise the details regarding the contract, which is drawn up by the legal expert or the lawyer.


Signing the contract

We shall lead the process of concluding the legal transaction and wrapping it up by signing the contract.


Real estate handover

After the purchase price is paid in full, we shall draft the handover minutes. During the handover procedure, we shall check if the condition of real estate is compliant to the contract and the arrangement, and make an inventory of counter readings (electricity, gas, water …). We shall delegate the stated to the tenant.


Handshake and kind regards.

Congratulations! You made it! We are at your service whenever you need us!

Call us on a complimentary telephone number +386 (0)1 2445000 or contact us at info@ljn.si .